Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tatterday related to tattoosday....

Back to business, sorry to detour you folks with the last 2 posts, They are personal thoughts that I needed to share, but I know thats not why you dropped in, so I am going to get back to the basics... Thanks for checking in, and stay tuned!

Found at MIGHTY DINER store in Tokyo...

Skakey from CRUCIAL BRUTAL sheds a turrrr....

2 Great WW2 photos of sailors tattoos...

The only thing that I don't like to see tattered is OLD GLORY herself!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Start Today...

This song is a motivator to anyone out there that has been wanting to change something in their own life and hasn't quite gotten to it yet, or doesnt acknowledge a problem that oneself may have until it blows up in their face and its too late. If I can help or motivate one person to look in the mirror and make a change for the better from this post and this great song, then I am happy. It is hard to accept the bad things about yourself, but it is even harder dealing with the things that you, yourself have done because of those bad things... Well this song meant the world to me in my teens, and it means even more to me today at the age of 31, as I play it over and over in my head daily( not literally..LOL) to make the right changes and right my wrongs. Sorry for the rants, I am just dissapointed in myself and entrenched in self help and making it a priority to work a program to be a better more self controlled person, and It helps to just let it out to the world a little to get it off my chest. Im going to borrow a few select words from a dear friend of mine that always moved me when i heard him say it...
"Take care of one another, Peace!"

Old man version...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Whisper words of wisdom...

Daring to live means daring to die at any moment, but also means daring to be born, crossing stages in life in which the person we have been dies, and is replaced by another with a renewed vision of the world, and at the same time realizing there will be many obstacles to overcome before we reach the final stage of enlightenment.......

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Inspiration Nation!



Stephen Powers West Philly rooftop project

80's shreddin'

Velocity B, you need these homeskilly!!!! relation to Donald!

DEVA -> WP is off the rails on A crazy train circa late 80's NYC...

US sailors arms from ww2...Olde Glory Days!

Jack the dripper.

Cashus ruled everything around him!

Nike's new collaboration with GM to try and save the troubled company, and boost the economy, Then the stimulus package gives the bailout a cash for clunkers to help privatize healthcare so that Fanny May can pay Freddie mack, and fund the war in Iraq, lets just sit down and have a beer and talk it over, has anyone seen my birth certificate? Just poking fun at our nations recent headlines! If your that pissed off about my post go to a town hall meeting and raise the roof!

Tinker the thinker...

Through all the crap and junk I still got my Motorcycle!

This penguin book cover is awesome zawsome....

Tell me.....

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I told you tattooing was old school...

My friend Andy sent me this Tyson one it's awesome!

Nikki Sixx or Nikki Suxx...

Location, Location, Location....

This tatoo could be a still of almost any rap video in the early 90's, there was at least 1 pitbull and a chain and money in every video of that era...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Boy racer boy racer....

Cool documentary coming out about the CAFE RACERS in England..(Click for a view of the trailor!)

Heres a great song from that era...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

One of the greatest visionaries of our lifetime...

Ralph Lauren american icon!

Take the time and read about and view one of the greatest American visionaries to carry out his dreams and inspirations. He has created an empire based on following his passions and sharing them with the world, the only other person that can compare to what Ralph has done is the late great Walt disney.
(click on the Ralph Lauren link)

Friday, August 7, 2009

can it all be so simple then...

Heres a couple nostalgic pics I thought were pretty neat...Have a nice weekend, Peace!

Nike air Huaraches and vinyl, Need I say more!

Girls on Indian motorcycles... This picture is too cool, can you picture a photo like this going down today? I can't, but it's nice to dream!

Ye ol' walldogs...The lost ART of advertising, also was the loss of these jobs, now a days some guy pulls up in a boom truck, lifts himself up and tosses a pre printed plastic add over a billboard ties a couple of things up and wallla...

Hopefully my basement will look like this one day, And the kids on my street(memory Lane) will refer to me as Hector the collector!

An american pastime, and better yet TRADITION... Dads take kids to games and introduce the thrill of the sports world, something that most of us cherish our entire lives, Knowing we share a passion with a dad or mom about a certain sports team whether it be base, basket, or football, soccer, etc etc.. its a feeling that can be shared with them for a lifetime.