Let me just say thanks for posting the William Cooper, I watched the whole thing.
Check This Out! I recently met up with my boy Justin down in Portland for the DEW Tour to hang out, and be a part of something really cool. I didn't realize what they were doing, decisions that they were making, dreams that they were living. I felt that I was witness to the grass roots of something that is about to blow up! For those that know Justin, he is an absolute character with a huge heart that will have your stomach hurting from laughing, freestylin, and just bustin shit out! These four guys are in it to win it. They all have a vital role in this game and I was amazed at how well they worked. The tent was jam packed with kids wanting to play this game, I began to help where I could. Justin was laying down Super Heat tattoo's for people waiting in line. While others were running the wheel, and teaching the game. Check out their Commercial and the pics that I took from the event! Enjoy! SUPERHEAT!!!
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