This is an example of my piracy... call me cheap, call me stale, I've spent most of my life chasing my tail...
Sailor Eddie the original from Camden, Nj...Great story of how these came about. He went in to Coney Island Joes to get tattooed, and Coney Island Joe told him "your not old enough kid" and my buddy replied to Coney Island Joe, "fine I'll just go to Sailor Eddie." Well, C.I. Joe didn't take kind to that smart ass comment and chased my buddy out of his shop and down the street screaming and cussing him out.
Don't forget the fire, and dont forget the fuel...don't let go, and don't forget your roots!
Philadelphian humor at the baseball stadium...
Rocket men, wrist rocket man Tatmaster Johnny Gues starship command...
Lets start today is the tomorrow that you should have feared yesterday...
South philly southpaw with A tazzy slug
Interesting stuff from this gent...

1 comment:
Awesome rocket ship!!!
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