The few...The proud.
Took a day trip with my uncles and cuzzo to the Marine corp museum in Quantico Va. We all love peace, love and flowers and what not, and this isn't a glamorization of war, its merely a post to reflect on the marines that fought on foreign soil around the world so that we here at home can have the freedoms and ideals that we do. I come from a big marine corp family, and from a young age i always had a huge respect for the Marines. Even if you are the hippyest of hippies, you should be proud to have a military division like the marines who is willing to lay their lives on the line for you to enjoy your hippydom...My grandfather was in the 5th marines on Iwojima Isalnd off japan when they raised that flag at mount seribachi, during WW2. I am an americana enthusiast and the Marine corp is a great example of American pride, read some of the quotes, and look at some of the pics, and displays, and think to yourself would you lay your life on the line for your country?

The museum is supposed to resemble the raising of the flag by the marines at seribachi in WW2 that marked the change in the war in the American favor!