Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I would like to solve the puzzle...

Dont give the hipsters any ideas!

If you dont get this humor, then log off.

Rime time in prime time....

in on ear and out the other-------=>

Den's bike....the riser clamps speak for themselves.

Early 1900's indian...

Beans is the truth...He did jump out of a car on south street in front of my friends and choke out some dude who thought he was funny by yelling JADAKISS at Beanie!

Days of wine and......

Competition is nun....

Bang bang...

A few from the days of yesteryear... Airwalks were so ill to me then and now, they were well designed, and well made for skating. These are a few that I really liked. Lewy Love still wears these probably to this day! My man pots n pans!

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