To say time is too short is an understatement of how fast life passes by, there isn't enough hours in a day or days in a year to accomplish all the ideas, dreams, and responsibilities that fulfill our manifestation of destiny. Times cruelty has cut short the life of a person who was inspiring to many, kind hearted, genuine as the word itself, and as free as the breeze that his knees were always in. We are very sad to say that our friend Joe"Nots" or Joey Leather was killed in a motorcycle accident on Friday night in Southern California. I was lucky enough to have met Joe years ago in Brooklyn through good friends Tim Diet, and Shane Jessup, but we really reconnected again years later through our passion for motorcycles, and us both being Union tradesman. Joe rode his Harley sportster across the country...fulfilling a dream that many americans have only dreamed about (myself included!) He stayed with us South Philadelphia, and shared some great road stories. We had a few good rides with Bad news Dan and The Lil' hatchet before he was on his way to the next destination. Joe left an impression on us guys back East he was a solid dude solid as rock, and we were glad he was part of our family, he logged the miles, he got his hands dirty, he shared the same love that we shared for bikes, union labor, trains and fitti, and most importantly he had a good spirit. We called him "Locomotive Joe" and we loved his Leather work, he chose images we were familiar with and enjoyed as well. He manually crafted beautiful pieces that speak for themselves, if you have one consider yourself lucky!! Heres a few pics to celebrate our friend who has started the long ride home forever in the wind.....................

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