Pre the hipster era...

radical baghdadical...

My early vandal years...now they just think i'm painting my deck furniture or something ;)

cooler then a cucumber.

Wuz here...the o.g.

turning a good girl bad...bad meaning good!

what an era...Not related to present day fashion that is spelled error!

Neato bandito...

Town & Country ruled my youth!

Make like a tree and leave...

Duct tape prom date...What would Obama do?

WW2 vets...warhogs!

If you don't know by now, I have an affinity for the Delorean, the car was way ahead of its time, no pun intended! What would have that company become hadn't that deal went bad.(meaning BAD)

Camoflouge chameleons

Never caught up in the glass eye cause i'm down lo...

and the spiders from maaaaahars....

..And then I woke up!

Sugar pie honeybuns...

flashback at the track....

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