A good friend of mine was in town this summer visiting from Oakland, and he had just returned from a trip to Southeast asia. He told me a bunch of great stories about the trip, and his travels in the far east. He has been studying Chinese for a while now, and this trip was time to put all the practice into action... After him telling me all about the trip we got to talking about my blog, and I convinced him to share a few of the photos from his trip. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did, I titled this post the motor scooter diaries, because that is a caption that was written on a wall and signed by ECKS-> OSD. He had told me a friend he had met on his travels lent him A scooter, on the merit that he pay for a few repairs that were needed, Good on his word the scoot was his for the borrowing, and he mashed the town on that thing. I often enjoy conversations with friends about their travels, and I am very fortunate to have friends that have got more than a lot of stamps in their passports (honorary globetrotters) believe me when I tell you, and My friend Micah is at the top of that list he has been all over the world even places that the US deem illegal to travel to. Heres a few of the pics he shared with me to post on the BLUX travel guide...
Bandana obscura...

x marks the spot.

Done by a famous chinese fitti'ist

Ecks OSD->on the great wall! No relation to vans off the wall...


Goofy chinglish sign..

Know graffiti..Yes he do!

I hecka love this pic...

Biggest Buddha in the world!

no problem ;)

have a nice trip see you next fall!

I heard the grass is greener in Oakland, but who knows?

CAN you diggit?

This is too funny...reminds me of some national lampoons type of humor!

Beauty defined...

Empty nesta..related to NESTA-> OSD

The chinese take bootlegging serious its like a national pastime. Starbucks never heard of yah!

I could use this sign taped to the back of my eyelids....

Ecks from the west....Udon from the east, birds of the same feather flock together...

Communism, in case you forgot!

Oakland A's

Oakland Sprays..

MSG meaning good or bad im confused...

ECKS lets em' know he is from the wild wild west....

Local tradesmen do guerilla advertising in graffiti leaving their name and the job they offer I.E. JOES PLUMBING 555-1212

Gilligans Island 2009.....

Nat Geo worthy....

Modern Empire...
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