Does the bud make you wiser? I would have to say No on that one. In fact I think it makes you less wiser and more foolish, but to each his own. In fact I base my opinion on the fact that my dad drank and still drinks BUDWEISER religiously as his choice of fire water. Fire water is what the native American people called it, the settlers used alcohol to get the indians drunk and make them barter and sign land treaties while they were intoxicated( New york city was traded for next to nothing), and it has haunted Native American life since, alcoholism is very prevalant on reservations, and in Native communities. So, I sort of have A love hate with Mr.BUD & Mr.WEISER, more hate than love. The one thing that does perk my interest is Budweiser's long standing history, and iconography among Americans from all walks of life. Just because I have had A bad life experience with alcohol abuse doesn't mean everyone else has, and I dont want that bias to get in the way of posting about A company that has always flown the red, white, and blue, and went the extra mile to promote and advertise their company. As A kid I always loved the BUD BOWL during the Super Bowl, Spuds McKenzie ruled the 80's, and my late uncle Wistar who taught me how to draw always drew the BUD MAN doing really silly stuff or just the BUDMAN standing next to A muscle car, or smoking BUD yeah that kinda budman! This is not to promote the brand or drinking at all, kinda ironic that I don't even drink, and especially BUDWEISER for that matter, but for some reason or another I see BUDWEISER as somewhat of an American tradition, it's right there on sunday next to your dad during football season, or the beer man is selling them at the ballpark during a baseball game, or next to the car while you and a few buddies are working under the hood. A friend of mine told me something years back that I had A hard time believing, but he backed it up with a few stories and facts, and I walked away looking at the world a little differently since then. He told me that BUDWEISER was A millionaires beer, and I laughed at him and said yeah ok! He cont'd to say "no man I'm serious most wealthy men drink Budweiser as their choice of beer because it was cheap and to the point, and American!" He also had facts from a some survey etc etc... I had no choice to not believe him because his father was a millionaire a few times in his life (LOL) and I took his words as the truth, and spoken from experience of being in wealthier circles. That's not the point, The point was I was so blinded by the fact that my father drank BUDWEISER and I only associated it with bad things and failures, because that was my own personal experience, that I couldn't even fathom any one of upper class or normalcy being associated with it, because of my insecurities and issues with my life and how it was affected directly by alcohol in more ways than one. I looked at my dad and life A little different after my friend told me that, I knew my dad was certainly not A millionaire, but I didn't place him in such A lolife ( not related to POLO) category any more. Anyway heres a few cool BUDWEISER thing a majigs I found online to help bring color to my words that BUD has and still is made it's mark on American life and pastimes!
this was my memory of Budweiser growing up...