Leaves,sticks, and dirt was the code name that the black kids in my high school used for ACID, flashback (pun intended) related to POLO, yeah I know your really confused right about now with all my slang editorialness, but in 1995 a few members of BADLUX were known for having them sheets of POLO acid...TRUE STORY!! One day I will get some pics.

Badical Rick..

Bad Lux inside scoop...
I use the "related to/not related to" theme a lot on here and I got it from one of my favorite 90's rap groups OGC, "Starang Wonder no relation to Stevie" was a line he used early on, He probably just used it as a cool metaphoric wordplay, but later in Starang's career after he got more distinguished and grown up I think he realized that Stevie is the man and it would be cool to reflip the line and this time say "Starang wonder relation to Stevie" as a homage of sorts giving Love to Stevie.
related to Stevie...
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