Remembering The Days Of My Youth, As I Prepare To Meet My Moment Of Truth...
... You spend your whole like looking for the adult you are. When you find it, you spend the rest of your life looking for the child you once were. You search relentlessly for the next thing that will alter your life in some huge way. When you find it you use it up until it becomes worthless to you. The searching and concentration on that one thing often leads to you running by a ton of the good stuff, the stuff that though it may not be hugely life altering, it can still be just as positive, cool, calm and collecting when you need it to be. It offers comfort. Something that is more important than you'll ever realize. Maybe I am simple minded. I've been called worse by better. Maybe I hate change. I will remain a believer in the small things. I will always be a believer that one listen of Hard To Earn will ease the tensions in whatever is going on with me. Just hearing the first 10 seconds of the first track on Step In The Arena offers that comfort I seek. In a world that is growing at a much faster pace then I am it lets me know "The DJs name is Premier and I'm the Guru", with those words, you know change will come, but some things will always remain the same....
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