Koo Koo for choo choo train logos, classic everlasting icons that embody the side of boxcars that have traveled throughout our country for decades. If you have spent any time at all in or around train yards or train lines, than you will recognize a few of these great logos, and emblems that have adverted their way throughout the nation and throughout time more importantly. the newer logos being placed on boxcars today don't have the charm that these ones have, nor do the cars themselves. A lot has changed from the time most of these cars were inservice, the way they were made, the way they were loaded(it was by hand in the olden days no fork trucks and lifts.), the goods they were loaded with weren't ipods, flat screens, and xboxs(livestock not related to deadstock was common). The way the trains were decorated stands out to me the most, and like many other things I talk about on the bad lux soap box I think the old logos are way cooler then the new ones adorning the sides of todays rolling stock. Heres for eyes to listen...

One of BAD LUX's own who's name rimes with trees in the seas called me one morning and told me to get dressed and hurry up and meet him by the river tracks in south philly and to bring my camera, Im thinking that perhaps their was a NACE train or some other cool whole car that he knew I would like to flik, but to my surprise I pull up to see a train wreck, that he accidentally had created that cost the railroad close to a million dollars to clean up and repair the tracks and cars. He was a switchmen working his shift and the train jumped the track and wrecked causing this beauty of a site...Oh and they were trash trains so it stunk to high heaven. True tales from the rails!

A Ye Olde steel wheel deal. Related to wheels of steel only cause trains are like the 7th element of hip hop and the first element of Americana!!!
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