I dont even know what a blog should really be... I guess i'm supposed to post some interesting stuff about myself or the things im into. The only thing is, im not all that interesting. Well for posterity's sake i will post some pictures that were on my phone at the suggestion of someone else who post's on this page. Please dont hold it against me if you'se all find it as interesting as grass growing, or possibly as a drive on rt. 70 through indiana...

Which is a long way away from bike surfing on Allegheny ave...

(this kid actually surfed for like 2 blocks non stop... & you think your a pro on your track bike)
The Murder city devils played a reunion tour. I saw them at the nokia theatre in NY a few weeks ago, it was bad ass. They were pretty popular once upon a time... i was psyched, as im sure you will be upon looking at this picture:

Speaking of reunions, i was in LA recently & Pee Wee herman is having a little reunion tour as well... it was the first stage show ive been to of my own volition as an adult... and i thought it was awesome... you should check it out if you have the time: http://www.peewee.com/

(this picture was from a Q&A after the show... apparently he is still trying to make a sequel to his big adventure.)
i have no segue for this picture, but its awesome and its hanging in the railroad cafe, which you can find in scenic downtown Eden NC. If you've never been to Eden thats not surprising, im pretty sure im the first out of towner to ever visit... EVER.

I did see some flavorful lo'd down establishments on the way TO north carolina though...

Im sure wiggz is making reservations as i type this bae par...
Since were on the topic of being lo down and dirty... this may be the perfect storm: porn stars in polo...

(pun obviously intended)
Well, thats all i got for now. I probably will be asked to never post again, que sera thats the story of my life. Anyway spring training is here, and there is some unfinished business to attend to this season...

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